webviz visualizations

class webviz_plotly.FilteredPlotly(data, check_box_columns=[], slider_columns=[], dropdown_columns=[], *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: webviz_plotly.Plotly

Page Element for adding filtering controls to Plotly plots that take a dataframe. Values are grouped by labels, for instance:


If ‘labels’ is chosen as a dropdown_column, then the value 4 will be chosen if the dropdown menu is set to the label B, and the value 3 will be chosen if the dropdown is set to A.

The FilteredPlotly.process_data() handles the generation of the plot data. For the example above, it is given the following dataframes:




Layout and config is then generated that insert the required controls.

  • data – A dataframe, or list of dataframes, that can be processed by process_data. Each dataframe will be grouped based on check_box_columns and given as a parameter list to process data. A special label, FilteredPlotly.wildcard (‘*’ by default), signifies that the data should be present in all groups. If a dataframe does not contain a column it is treated as if all rows have the wildcard label.
  • check_box_columns – Columns in the dataframes that contain labels to be filtered on by check boxes.
  • slider_columns – Columns in the dataframe that contain labels to be filtered on by a slider.
  • dropdown_columns – Columns in the dataframe that contain labels to be filtered on by a dropdown menu.

overrides webviz.PageElement.get_template().

names_match(filters, names1, names2)[source]
Returns:List of traces to be used a data for the Plotly Page Element.
wildcard = '*'
class webviz_plotly.Plotly(data, layout={}, config={}, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: webviz._json_page_element.JSONPageElement

Plotly page element. Arguments are the same as plotly.plot() from plotly.js. See https://plot.ly/javascript/ for usage.

  • xaxis – Will create a label for the x-axis.
  • yaxis – Will create a label for the y-axis.
  • logx – boolean value to toggle x-axis logarithmic scale.
  • logy – boolean value to toggle y-axis logarithmic scale.
  • xrange – list of minimum and maximum value. Ex: [3, 15].
  • yrange – list of minimum and maximum value. Ex: [3, 15].


Plotly will not allow the modebarbuttons in DISALLOWED_BUTTONS, as these are not useful for the visualizations implemented in webviz.

DISALLOWED_BUTTONS = ['sendDataToCloud', 'resetScale2d']

Overrides webviz.PageElement.get_template().

handle_args(title=None, xrange=None, yrange=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, logx=False, logy=False)[source]
class webviz_bar_chart.BarChart(data, barmode='group', logy=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: webviz_plotly.FilteredPlotly

Bar chart page element.

  • data – Either a file path to a csv file or a pandas.DataFrame. If a dataframe is given, each column is one set of bars in the chart. The dataframe index is used for the horizontal values. Similarly for the csv file, where a special column named index will be used for the horizontal values.
  • barmode – Either 'group', 'stack', 'relative' or 'overlay'. Defines how multiple bars per index-value are combined. See plotly.js layout-barmode.
Returns:List of traces to be used a data for the Plotly Page Element.
class webviz_heat_map.HeatMap(data, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: webviz_plotly.FilteredPlotly

Line chart page element.

Parameters:data – Either a file path to a csv file or a pandas.DataFrame. Each column of the dataframe becomes one line in the chart. Similarly for the csv file, but a special column index will be used as the horizontal value.
Returns:List of traces to be used a data for the Plotly Page Element.
class webviz_histogram.Histogram(data, xlabel=None, ylabel='[%]', barmode='overlay', histnorm='percent', nbinsx=0, logy=False, logx=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: webviz_plotly.FilteredPlotly

Histogram page element.

  • data – Either a file path to a csv file or a pandas.DataFrame. If a dataframe is given, each column is one set of bars in the chart. The dataframe index is used for the horizontal values. Similarly for the csv file, where a special column named index will be used for the horizontal values.
  • barmode

    Either 'group', 'stack', 'relative' or 'overlay'. Defines how multiple bars per index-value are combined. See plotly.js layout-barmode.

  • histnorm – Either '', 'percent', 'probability', 'density' or 'probability density'. Spesifies type of normalization used. See plotly.js histogram-histnorm.
  • nbinsx – Maximum number of desired bins. Default value 0 will generate optimal number of bins.
Returns:List of traces to be used a data for the Plotly Page Element.
class webviz_line_chart.LineChart(data, logy=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: webviz_plotly.FilteredPlotly

Line chart page element.

Parameters:data – Either a file path to a csv file or a pandas.DataFrame. If a dataframe is given, each column is one line in the chart. The dataframe index is used for the horizontal values. Similarly for the csv file, where a special column named index will be used for the horizontal values.
Returns:List of traces to be used a data for the Plotly Page Element.
class webviz_pie_chart.PieChart(data, num_per_row=4)[source]

Bases: webviz_plotly.Plotly

Pie chart page element.

  • data – Value for each sector, or csv file (one column for each sector). Each row (line) becomes a separate pie chart. If there is a column with the name ‘pie_chart_label’ it is used for the name of each pie chart.
  • num_per_row – If more than one pie chart, number per row.
class webviz_scatter_plot.ScatterPlot(data, logy=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: webviz_plotly.FilteredPlotly

Scatter plot page element.

Parameters:data – Either a file path to a csv file or a pandas.DataFrame. If a dataframe is given, each column is one set of points in the chart. The dataframe index is used for the horizontal values. Similarly for the csv file, where a special column named index will be used for the horizontal values.
Returns:List of traces to be used a data for the Plotly Page Element.
class webviz_tornado_plot.TornadoPlot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: webviz_plotly.FilteredPlotly

Tornado plot page element.

  • data – Either a file path to a csv file or a pandas.DataFrame. There are two columns: ‘low’ and ‘high’ describing.
  • high_text – Optional text
Returns:List of traces to be used a data for the Plotly Page Element.