webviz package

This package contains the core functionality for putting together different Page instances into a Webviz instance. Each Page is a collection of PageElement instances, which are rendered in the input order on the corresponding page when running Webviz.write_html().

from webviz import Webviz, Page

web = Webviz('Main title')
page = Page("Demo", icon='graph')
web.write_html("./simple_webviz_example", overwrite=True, display=True)

This small example will create an instance web, add one empty page to it (in addition to the default index/front page), and write the output to a folder ./simple_webviz_example.

class webviz.HeaderElement[source]

Bases: webviz._header_element.HeaderElement

A HeaderElement describes one action taken to include a header element to a Page.

  • tag – The tag of the header element, such as ‘script’ or ‘link’.
  • attributes – Dictinary of attributes of the tag, such as {‘src’: ‘jquery.js’}. Value strings can include the template value {root_folder} which will be substituted with the path to the root of the site.
  • content – The content of the text (inner html).
  • source_file – If the header element refers to a file, then the absolute path to that file.
  • target_file – The relative path to the file, as it is referred to in the attributes.
class webviz.Webviz(title, banner_title='Webviz', banner_image=None, copyright_notice=None, theme='default')[source]

Bases: object

An instance of Webviz is a collection of Page instances, and optionally also SubMenu instances. Webviz is used to build a collection of these, which can afterwards be rendered as html.

There is one special Page included as default, index, which is the front page in the html output.


Adds an item to the top-level navigation bar of the Webviz instance.

Parameters:menu_item – A Page or Submenu to add to the Webviz instance.
Raises:ValueError, if menu_item is neither Page nor a SubMenu.

List of all Pages in the Webviz instance.

write_html(destination, display=False, overwrite=False)[source]

Writes the html to the destination folder.

  • destination – Directory to write the html output to.
  • overwriteOptional Parameter. Whether to ignore if the given destination already exists. Content inside the folder may be deleted.
  • displayOptional Parameter. Whether to open browser to the index page.

ValueError if overwrite is False and destination folder exists.

class webviz.Html(html, js_deps=[], css_deps=[])[source]

Bases: webviz._page_element.PageElement

A page element for adding html.

  • html – The html string to add to the page.
  • js_deps – A list of js files (absolute path) to be included in the html code.
  • css_deps – A list of css files (absolute path) to be included in the html code.
Returns:The corresponding jinja2 template for the plot, which can be rendered using:
html = self.get_template().render(element=self)
class webviz.Page(title, icon=None)[source]

Bases: object

Container for PageElement instances. In order to be rendered the Page should be added to a Webviz instance.

  • title – String. A title for the page.
  • iconOptional parameter. Name of an icon provided by the webviz.Theme used in the Webviz instance this page will be added to.

Add a PageElement to the page.

Parameters:content – The PageElement to add.
Raises:ValueError if content is not a PageElement.
Returns:The set of css dependencies for all page elements in the page
Returns:The set of css dependencies for all page elements in the page
class webviz.SubMenu(title, icon=None)[source]

Bases: object

A submenu is a collection of pages with its own title and icon. The pages in a submenu are grouped together in the naviagation of the Webviz .

  • title – The title of the submenu.
  • iconOptional parameter. Name of an icon provided by the webviz.Theme used in the Webviz instance this submenu will be added to.

Adds a Page to the submenu.

Parameters:page – A Page to add to the submenu.
Raises:ValueError if page is not a Page.
Returns:The location of the first page, or None if the submenu is empty.
class webviz.Markdown(md)[source]

Bases: webviz._page_element.PageElement

A page element for adding markdown.

Returns:The corresponding jinja2 template for the plot, which can be rendered using:
html = self.get_template().render(element=self)
class webviz.PageElement[source]

Bases: object

A page element with data and a template which renders to html.

Each element also has a unique containerId in order to make unique DOM IDs in the template.

Returns:The corresponding jinja2 template for the plot, which can be rendered using:
html = self.get_template().render(element=self)
class webviz.Theme[source]

Bases: webviz._theme.Theme

A theme contains the templates and files related to building Webviz instance.

There is one entry template, main.html, which is rendered for each page.

Webviz exposes a set of jinja2 macros that set up includes the content. A minimal example of a theme is as follows:

{% import macros as webviz with context %}
{{ webviz.header() }}
{% call(banner) webviz.banner() %}
<img src='{{banner}}'></img>
{% endcall %}
  {% call(loc, title, current, icon, sub) webviz.iter_menu() %}
    <li> <a href='{{loc}}'> {{icon}} {{title}}</a>
      {% if sub %}
          {% call(sub_loc, sub_title) webviz.iter_sub_menu(sub) %}
              <li><a href='{{sub_loc}}'> {{icon}} {{sub_title}}</a></li>
          {% endcall %}
       {% endif %}
  {% endcall %}
{{ webviz.content() }}

{% if copyright_notice %}
  {{ copyright_notice }}
{% endif%}

See the webviz_default_theme plugin for a more advanced example.

  • template_loader – A loader where the main.html, and all the templates it references, can be found.
  • css_files – List of additional css files to be included on each page.
  • js_files – List of additional js files to be included on each page.
  • resources – Dictionary of additional files to be included by the template. The key is the relative location where this resource should be found. For instance, if resources['images'] = ['/absolute/path/to/my_image.jpg'], the image can be included in the template by the resources macro as webviz.resources('images/my_image.jpg').
  • icons – A dictionary of icons provided by the theme.
class webviz.JSONPageElement[source]

Bases: webviz._page_element.PageElement

A JSONPageElement is a PageElement which stores some json-data. The data is either assigned to some key in the json store object or otherwise can be accessed as a json-string.

>>> json_page_element['my_json_data'] = {'key': 3}
>>> json_page_element['my_json_data']
{'key': 3}

>>> json_page_element.get_json_dump('my_json_data')
'{"key": 3}'

The json data can be “dumped”, i.e. stored in a key of the json store object.

>>> json_page_element.dump_all_jsons('/my/dir')
{'my_json_data': (json_store['123-567-8910'] = {"key": 3};')}

Asking for the json dump will then instead return a lookup in the json-store:

>>> json_page_element.get_json_dump('my_json_data')

get_js_dep is overriden including js files with assignments to the json store.

Returns:A map from all json-keys to assignments to the json_store.
>>> json_page_element.dump_all_jsons()
{'my_json_data' : 'json_store["123-567-8910"] = {"data": 3};'}

Dumps the given json-key.

Raises:KeyError, if there is no value for the given json-key.
Returns:Dumped value for the given key. Either lookup in store or a json string.
Returns:Whether the json-value with the given key has been dumped.