Source code for webviz._webviz

import webbrowser
import warnings
from builtins import str as text
import jinja2
import pkg_resources
from six import iteritems
from os import path
from ordered_set import OrderedSet
from ._header_element import HeaderElement
from ._page_element import PageElement
from ._webviz_writer import WebvizWriter

def escape_all(html):
    Escapes any html or utf8 character in the given

    :param html: Any string to be escaped.
    :returns: A jinja2 markup object that will not be auto-escaped
        by jinja2.
    as_str = html
    if not isinstance(html, text):
        as_str = text(html, 'utf8')
    no_html = jinja2.escape(as_str)
    no_utf8 = no_html.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').decode()
    pass_through = jinja2.Markup(no_utf8)
    return pass_through

[docs]class Page(object): """ Container for :py:class:`PageElement` instances. In order to be rendered the :py:class:`Page` should be added to a :py:class:`Webviz` instance. :param title: String. A title for the page. :param icon: `Optional parameter`. Name of an icon provided by the :class:`webviz.Theme` used in the :class:`Webviz` instance this page will be added to. """ def __init__(self, title, icon=None): self.title = escape_all(title) self.contents = [] self.current_page = False self.location = None self.icon_name = icon self.icon = None self.subelements = []
[docs] def add_content(self, content): """ Add a :py:class:`PageElement` to the page. :param content: The :py:class:`PageElement` to add. :raises: :class:`ValueError` if ``content`` is not a :class:`PageElement`. """ if not isinstance(content, PageElement): raise ValueError('Content added to Page must be PageElement') self.contents.append(content)
@property def header_elements(self): """ :returns: The set of `css` dependencies for all page elements in the page """ elements = OrderedSet() elements = elements.union( *(content.header_elements for content in self.contents)) return elements @property def resources(self): """ :returns: The set of `css` dependencies for all page elements in the page """ resources = {} for content in self.contents: for subfolder, resource in iteritems(content.resources): if subfolder not in resources: resources[subfolder] = [] resources[subfolder].extend(resource) return resources
[docs]class Webviz(object): """ An instance of :py:class:`Webviz` is a collection of :py:class:`Page` instances, and optionally also :py:class:`SubMenu` instances. :py:class:`Webviz` is used to build a collection of these, which can afterwards be rendered as `html`. There is one special :py:class:`Page` included as default, ``index``, which is the front page in the `html` output. """ def __init__(self, title, banner_title='Webviz', banner_image=None, copyright_notice=None, theme='default'): = [] self.title = escape_all(title) self.banner_title = banner_title self.index = Page(title) self.banner_image = banner_image self.banner_filename = None self.copyright_notice = copyright_notice themes = {} for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('webviz_themes'): themes[] = entry_point.load() if 'default' not in themes: warnings.warn('default theme is not installed') if theme not in themes: raise ValueError('Unknown theme {}'.format(theme)) else: self._theme = themes[theme] self._env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.ChoiceLoader([ jinja2.PackageLoader('webviz', 'templates'), self._theme.template_loader, ]), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined ) self.macros = self._env.get_template('webviz.html') def __iter__(self): return @property def pages(self): """ List of all :py:class:`Pages` in the :py:class:`Webviz` instance. """ ret_val = [] for element in self: if isinstance(element, Page): ret_val.append(element) else: ret_val.extend(list(element)) return ret_val
[docs] def add(self, menu_item): """ Adds an item to the top-level navigation bar of the :py:class:`Webviz` instance. :param menu_item: A :py:class:`Page` or :py:class:`Submenu` to add to the :py:class:`Webviz` instance. :raises: :py:class:`ValueError`, if ``menu_item`` is neither :py:class:`Page` nor a :py:class:`SubMenu`. """ if not isinstance(menu_item, (Page, SubMenu)): raise ValueError('Item added to webviz must be Page or SubMenu') if menu_item.icon_name: menu_item.icon = self._theme.icons[menu_item.icon_name]
[docs] def write_html(self, destination, display=False, overwrite=False): """ Writes the `html` to the destination folder. :param destination: Directory to write the `html` output to. :param overwrite: `Optional Parameter`. Whether to ignore if the given destination already exists. Content inside the folder may be deleted. :param display: `Optional Parameter`. Whether to open browser to the index page. :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` if ``overwrite`` is ``False`` and destination folder exists. """ template = self._env.get_template('main.html') all_pages = self.pages + [self.index] theme_header_elements = OrderedSet() resources = {'js': set(), 'css': set()} for page in all_pages: for subdir, resource in iteritems(page.resources): if subdir not in resources: resources[subdir] = set() resources[subdir] = resources[subdir].union(set(resource)) for filename in self._theme.js_files: basename = path.basename(filename) location = path.join('resources', 'js', basename) resources['js'].add(filename) theme_header_elements.add(HeaderElement( tag='script', attributes={ 'src': path.join('{root_folder}', location) })) for filename in self._theme.css_files: basename = path.basename(filename) location = path.join('resources', 'css', basename) resources['css'].add(filename) theme_header_elements.add(HeaderElement( tag='link', attributes={ 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'type': 'text/css', 'href': path.join('{root_folder}', location) })) with WebvizWriter(destination, self.__dict__, template ) as writer: if not writer.is_clean(): if not overwrite: raise ValueError('Folder exists, and overwrite=False') else: writer.clean_up() writer.set_up() if self.banner_image: self.banner_filename = writer.write_resource( self.banner_image, subdir='img') for subdir, resource_list in iteritems(resources): for resource in resource_list: writer.write_resource( resource, subdir=subdir) for element in theme_header_elements: writer.add_global_header_element(element) for location, resources in iteritems(self._theme.resources): for resource in resources: writer.write_resource( resource, subdir=location) for page in self.pages: writer.write_sub_page(page) writer.write_index_page(self.index) if display: webbrowser.open_new_tab(destination + '/index.html')