Source code for webviz_histogram

from webviz_plotly import FilteredPlotly
import warnings

[docs]class Histogram(FilteredPlotly): """Histogram page element. :param data: Either a file path to a `csv` file or a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. If a dataframe is given, each column is one set of bars in the chart. The dataframe index is used for the horizontal values. Similarly for the `csv` file, where a special column named ``index`` will be used for the horizontal values. :param barmode: Either ``'group'``, ``'stack'``, ``'relative'`` or ``'overlay'``. Defines how multiple bars per index-value are combined. See `plotly.js layout-barmode < reference/#layout-barmode>`_. :param histnorm: Either ``''``, ``'percent'``, ``'probability'``, ``'density'`` or ``'probability density'``. Spesifies type of normalization used. See `plotly.js histogram-histnorm < javascript/reference/#histogram-histnorm>`_. :param nbinsx: Maximum number of desired bins. Default value ``0`` will generate optimal number of bins. """ def __init__(self, data, xlabel=None, ylabel='[%]', barmode='overlay', histnorm='percent', nbinsx=0, logy=False, logx=False, *args, **kwargs): self.histnorm = histnorm self.nbinsx = nbinsx self.logx = logx self.logy = logy super(Histogram, self).__init__( data, *args, layout={ 'bargap': 0.05, 'bargroupgap': 0.05, 'barmode': barmode}, logy=logy, logx=logx, yaxis=ylabel, xaxis=xlabel, **kwargs)
[docs] def process_data(self, data): lines = [] for column in data.columns: if (self.logy or self.logx) and any(x <= 0 for x in data[column].tolist() if isinstance(x, int or float)): warnings.warn('Non-positive values are not supported in a' ' logarithmic scale.') lines.append({ 'x': data[column].tolist(), 'type': 'histogram', 'opacity': 0.7, 'histnorm': self.histnorm, 'nbinsx': self.nbinsx, 'name': column }) return lines